Thursday, May 6, 2021

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚

Simple Tips to Keep Baby's Skin Healthy

1.Expect Bumps, Spots, and Rashes:

Newborn baby sleeping on fluffy blanket 

There's nothing quite like the soft, delicate skin of a baby. And nothing like a cranky infant irritated by diaper rash, cradle cap, or another skin condition. While your baby is perfect, their skin may not be. Many babies are prone to skin irritation in their first few months. Here's what you can do about it.

2.Newborns Are Prone to Rashes:

Most baby rashes cause no harm and go away on their own. While caring for your baby's skin may seem complex, you really need to know just three simple things:

  • Which conditions can you treat at home?
  • Which need medical treatment?
  • How can you keep skin problems from happening?

3.Avoid Diaper Rash:

If your baby has red skin around the diaper area, you're dealing with diaper rash. Most happen because of skin irritation due to:

  • Diapers that are toot tight
  • Wet diapers left on for too long
  • A particular brand of detergent, diapers, or baby wipes

You can avoid diaper rash if you:

  • Keep the diaper area open to the air as long as possible
  • Change your baby's diaper as soon as it's wet

If some crops up, wash it with a warm cloth, and put zinc oxide cream on it.

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4.What to Do With Pimples & Whiteheads:

Baby "acne" is not really acne like the kind teenagers get. Research suggests it may be related to yeast, not oil. Pimples on a baby's nose and cheeks usually clear up by themselves in a few weeks. So you don't need to treat baby acne or use lotion.


Lots of babies have these -- more than 1 in 10. Birthmarks, areas of skin discoloration, are not inherited. They may be there when your baby is born, or they might show up a few months later. Generally birthmarks are nothing to worry about and need no treatment. But if your baby's birthmark worries you, talk to your pediatrician. 


It's an itchy, red rash that may happen in response to a trigger. The condition is common in children who have a family history of asthma, allergies, or atopic dermatitis. Eczema may appear on your baby's face as a weepy rash. Over time, it becomes thick, dry, and scaly. You may also see it on the elbows, chest, arms, or behind the knees. To treat it, identify and avoid any triggers. Use gentle soaps and detergents, and apply moderate amounts of moisturizers. More severe eczema should be treated with prescription medicine.

7.Dry Skin:

You probably shouldn't worry if your newborn has peeling, dry skin -- it often happens if your baby is born a little late. The underlying skin is perfectly healthy, soft, and moist. If your infant's dry skin doesn't go away, talk to your baby's pediatrician.

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8.Excess Oil Causes Cradle Cap:

Cradle cap can show up during a baby's first or second month. It usually clears up within the first year. Also called seborrheic dermatitis, it's caused in part by too much oil. It shows up as a scaly, waxy, red rash on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, the sides of the nose, or behind the ears. Your pediatrician will recommend the best treatment for your child. That may include a special shampoo, baby oil, or certain creams and lotions.

9.Prickly Heat Causes Irritated Skin:

showing up as small pinkish-red bumps, prickly heat usually appears on the parts of your baby's body that are prone to sweating, like them:

  • Neck
  • Diaper area
  • Armpits
  • Skin folds 

A cool, dry environment and loose-fitting clothes are all you need to treat it. Keep in mind that prickly heat can even be brought on in winter when your baby is over-bundled. Try dressing them in layers that you can remove when things heat up.

10.Baby Yeast Infections:

These often appear after your baby has had a round of antibiotics. They show up differently depending on where they are on your baby's skin. Thrush appears on the tongue and mouth and looks like dried milk. A yeast diaper rash is bright red, often with small red pimples at the edges or the rash. Talk to your pediatrician: Thrush is treated with an anti-yeast liquid medicine. An antifungal cream is used for a yeast diaper rash.

11.Yellow Skin Can Mean Jaundice:

Jaundice is a yellow coloration of a baby's skin and eyes. It usually shows up 2 or 3 days after birth and is more common in premature babies. It's caused by too much bilirubin (a breakdown product of red blood cells). The condition usually disappears by the time a baby is 1-2 weeks old. Treatment may include more frequent feedings or, for more severe cases, light therapy (phototherapy). If your baby looks yellow, talk to your doctor.

12.Look Out for Infant Sunburn:

The sun may feel great, but it could be exposing your baby's skin to the risk of damaging sunburn. You can use baby sunscreen on infants at any age. Hats and umbrellas are also good ideas. But for the best protection from sunburn, keep your infant out of direct sunlight during the first 6 months of life. For mild infant sunburn, apply a cool cloth to your baby's skin for 10-15 minutes a few times daily. For more severe sunburn, call your child's pediatrician.

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13.Baby Sunscreen and More:

Apply sunscreen to the areas of your baby's skin that can't be covered by clothes. You can also use zinc oxide on your baby's nose, ears, and lips. Cover the rest of your baby's skin in clothes and a wide-brimmed hat. Sunglasses protect children's eyes from harmful rays.

14.Baby Skin Care Products:

Shopping for baby skin care products? Less is more. Look for items without dyes, fragrance, phthalates, and parabens -- all of which could cause skin irritation. When in doubt, talk to your pediatrician to see if a product is appropriate.

15.Avoiding Skin Problems at Bath Time

Remember, newborn skin is soft and sensitive. Keep your baby's skin hydrated by bathing them in warm water for only 3 to 5 minutes. Avoid letting your baby sit or play or soak for long in soapy water. Apply a baby lotion or moisturizer immediately after the bath while their skin is still wet, and then pat dry instead of rubbing. If you are bathing your newborn, use a sponge bath if the cord has not yet fallen off.

16.Baby Massage:

If rashes or other skin conditions are making your baby irritable, try baby massage. Gently stroking and massaging your baby's skin can not only help boost relaxation, but it may also lead to better sleep and ease or stop crying.


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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚 – 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙏𝙞𝙥𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨

Tips to Take Care of Newborn Baby

Taking care of a newborn is obviously a challenge when it is your first time. So, here are 9 ways that will assist you in taking care of a newborn baby........

1. Feeding

It is very important to feed the baby on time. A newborn has to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, which means you need to nurse her 8-12 times in 24 hours. An infant should be fed only breast milk for the first 6 months. Breast milk contains vital nutrients and antibodies that are required for a baby’s survival and growth. Nurse the baby for 10 minutes at least. Hold the breast near your baby’s lips until she latches on firmly and starts sucking. If the baby has latched on correctly, the mother will not experience any pain in her nipples. The breast should feel less full once the baby is done the feeding. This is an indication that the baby is getting enough milk. In case breast milk is not an option, feed the baby with a doctor-recommended formula. The baby should get 60 to 90 ml of formula per feeding.

2. Burping

Once the baby is fed, she needs to be burped. Babies swallow air while feeding, which causes gas and colic in their tummies. Burping expels this excess air, thus aiding in digestion and preventing spit-ups and stomach colic. Gently hold the baby against your chest with one hand. Her chin should rest on your shoulder. Pat or stroke her back very gently with your other hand until she burps.


3. How to Hold Your Newborn

It is very important to ensure that you are supporting your baby’s head and neck with one hand while holding her. This is because her neck muscles are not yet strong enough to hold up the head independently. 

The backbone is also still growing and becoming stronger. The neck will be able to support the head on its own only after 3 months of age. So pay attention to supporting your baby’s head and neck while taking care of a newborn baby. 

4. Umbilical Cord Stump Care

An important aspect of newborn baby care in the 1st month is caring for the umbilical cord stump. Give bath 2-6 hours after birth with lukewarm water in a healthy newborn. Keep the navel area clean and dry. Keep the baby’s diaper folded down so that the stump can dry. Disinfect your hands before handling the navel area. To clean, use a damp cloth and dry with a clean, absorbent cloth. Look out for signs of infection in the cord-stump area. If there is redness, swelling, smelly discharge or pus, and bleeding in the navel area, take the baby to a paediatrician.

5. Diapering

Changing diapers frequently is an important aspect when taking care of a newborn baby after delivery. If your baby is getting sufficient breast milk or formula, she will wet at least 6 to 8 diapers in a day, along with regular bowel movements. Change her diaper frequently, as soon as it feels full. You may even have to change it at least 10 times a day. To change a dirty diaper, you will need a changing sheet, gentle diaper wipes, diaper rash cream or baby powder and fresh diapers. In order to prevent UTI, wipe your baby girl from front to back rather than back to front. And let your baby remain without a diaper for a few hours each day.

6. Bathing

Bathing a newborn is a delicate task. The bath is usually given 2-6 hours after birth in a healthy term baby weighing more than 2500 g. However, bathing can be delayed in certain situations such as winter. In a low birth weight infant, bathing should be delayed until the cord has fallen off. You should start bathing the baby 2 to 3 times a week after the cord stump dries and falls off. Make sure you have all the bathing and changing supplies ready before you take the baby for a bath. Bath time just before bedtime helps babies sleep more soundly. You will need an infant bathtub, lukewarm water, mild baby soap or body wash, a washcloth, soft towel, baby lotion or cream, new diaper, and fresh baby clothes. Get your partner or a family member to help, so that one person can hold the baby’s neck and head above the water while the other bathes the baby. Use soap sparingly. Clean the baby’s genitals, scalp, hair, neck, face, and any dried mucous that has collected around the nose with the washcloth. Rinse your baby’s body with lukewarm water. Once this is done, dry the baby’s body with a soft towel, apply lotion and put on a fresh diaper and baby clothes.

7. Massaging

Massaging is a great way to bond with your baby. It also helps in soothing the baby to sleep and in improving blood circulation and digestion. Spread a small quantity of baby oil or lotion on your hands. Next, gently and rhythmically stroke her body. Maintain eye contact with the baby and talk to her when massaging her body. A good time to massage the baby is before her bath.

8. Handling Your Newborn

There are a few things to keep in mind when playing with your baby. Never shake your baby as her internal organs are delicate and can be damaged by vigorous shaking. Do not throw the baby up into the air, as this can be dangerous. Always disinfect or wash your hands before handling the baby, as their immune systems are not fully developed, and they are vulnerable to infections. Ensure that your baby is fastened securely in a stroller, car seat, or baby carrier if you are taking her out. Make your baby lie on her tummy every day for a short while. This will make her neck and back muscles stronger. It will also improve her vision, as she will need to look up and sideways to see. 

9. Sleeping

Newborns need to sleep for about 16 hours a day in the first 2 months. They usually take naps that are 2 to 4 hours long and wake up if they are hungry or wet. As the baby needs to be fed every 3 hours, you may need to wake her and feed her. Do not worry in case she does not follow the ideal newborn sleep pattern. Every baby is different and has a different sleep cycle. You should also remember to alternate your baby’s head position while she is sleeping. This prevents the formation of flat spots on the head. Make sure you put the baby to sleep on her back to avoid suffocation. A mother should try to take naps along with the baby. She can also use the time to have a bath or eat a meal peacefully while her baby is a sleep.

𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙚

Simple Tips to Keep Baby's Skin Healthy 1.Expect Bumps, Spots, and Rashes: Newborn baby sleeping on fluffy blanket  There's nothing ...